Reading Time: < 1 minute A Trip Through Wolfram Alpha it is less thanan hour til tomorrow in Tokyo *and the medianPokedex numberfor Pokemon withBlue
Author: Meghan Witty
Reading Time: 2 minutes From pedagogy to digital platforms, educators have switched our focus in much less time than imagined throughout remote/hybrid/in person learning during this time of Covid
Reading Time: 2 minutes Over 35 Years In Nebraska Writing Project I came to Nebraska Writing Project in 1984, as a new professor fresh from a doctoral program focused
Reading Time: < 1 minute The National Writing Project will be rebroadcasting NeWP’s recent series of podcast episodes—“Place-Based Education with the Nebraska Writing Project”—as part of their upcoming virtual writing
Reading Time: 2 minutes As part of a partnership between the National Writing Project and the National Park Service, the Nebraska Writing Project (NeWP) presents its Place-Conscious Education NWP
Reading Time: 2 minutes The Nebraska Writing Project was pleased to once again partner with the annual Plum Creek Children’s Literacy Festival, which took place at Concordia University in
Reading Time: < 1 minute The Nebraska Writing Project’s youth workshop, “I Love to Write,” was the focus of an article by Margaret Reist for the Lincoln Journal Star: Presented
Reading Time: < 1 minute The Daily Nebraskan culture section chatted with Robert Brooke and Adam Hubrig: “Nebraska Writing Project connects writing teachers to strengthen skills”
Reading Time: < 1 minute Writers and friends gathered on a beautiful Saturday afternoon on September 22 at Platte River State Park, halfway between Lincoln and Omaha, Nebraska. We enjoyed
Reading Time: 2 minutes The Nebraska Writing Project once again partnered with the Nebraska Education Technology Association (NETA) to be part of the NETA Spring Conference at the CenturyLink