A team of eight teacher consultants began meeting in September with a very specific purpose in mind. They started working on projects to integrate technology into writing. It was truly an opportunity to try something new with their writing classes.
The eight participants in this technology project work with students from third grade through seniors in high school. The projects vary from online e-zines to showcase student writing to using various forms of technology to enhance their writing. This project is being funded by a technology initiative from the National Writing Project. The project will continue through this school year.
Participants include: Nancy Rice, Ralston High School; Susan Martens-Baker, Arlinton High School; Cindy Backemeyer, Elmwood-Murdock Elementary School; Theren Hayes, Longfellow Elementary in Hastings; and, Jeff Grinvalds of Ashland-Greenwood High School. Leading the project are Cyndi Dwyer, Lincoln Southwest High School, and Dwight Thiemann, Hill Elementary School in Lincoln. Dr. Robert Brooke is helping to lead the project for the Nebraska Writing Project.
The team will meet two to three more times this school year, and will continue to meet online using the Nebraska Writing Project Interactive Forums. In addition to designing and implementing the projects, the group is reading and responding to literature related to technology in writing.
Watch for updates to the projects which will be posted on the NeWP website.